Having invested heavily in state-of-the-art CNC machines of differing configurations and capacities, our machine shop is equipped to a standard unrivalled by any other historic racing facility.

A formidable array of 5-axis CNC machines capable of handling the largest cylinder blocks and other components is complemented by a suite of CNC lathes incorporating live tooling for milling operations.
We have moving head wire and spark eroding machines for cutting splines, teeth and virtually any irregular shape with unprecedented accuracy; machines for surface, cylindrical and spline grinding, along with dedicated crankshaft and con rod grinders and line boring, horizontal boring and cylinder boring machines.
But engineering excellence is about more than having the right machines. You need the right people – and on that score, the C&G team of highly qualified senior operators have the knowledge and skills to get the best out of the technology they so expertly use.
For more information, check out our complete plant list.